
This page will lead you to galleries of every comic I've ever done. On the one hand, it's too bad that all I can show you is the covers, since what I did was the stories on the inside. On the other hand, covers are designed to get you excited about that story, and they're just fun art.

I've noticed that some other gallery sites show covers you can just barely make out, so I've made mine big. It'll mean some scrolling downward and some extra load time to see everything on the page sometimes, but it's worth it; you can even read the cover copy.

Each page begins with an overview of the comics there. Most end with some notes on specific issues. I've striven to be accurate and fair with my comments throughout, though good people I worked with are usually mentioned by name and less good people are not. If you find a mistake in any of it, please let me know.

You can buy the unpublished scripts you'll find throughout the gallery. For that matter, you can buy published works for about the last fifteen years, if you want to see how a script compares with what ended up in print. The price is $20 or the equivalent in your local currency, plus postage. Email me for details.

The Adventures of Batman & Robin I, II
Amazing Adventures featuring the Beast
Amazing High Adventure
Avengers I, II, III, IV
Avengers: Above and Beyond
Avengers Celestial Madonna
Avengers Celestial Quest
Avengers, Giant-Size
Avengers Serpent Crown
Avengers: The Ultron Imperative
Avengers: Vision and the Scarlet Witch courtship
Avengers, West Coast I, II, III
Avengers-Defenders Clash

Batman 0, I, II. III
Batman (movie) I, II
Batman: The Animated Series I, II
Batman Chronicles
Batman: Dark Detective I, II, III
Batman: The Dark Knight (movie)
Batman: Greatest Stories Ever Told
Batman: Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told
Batman: Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told II
Batman: Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told
Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight
Batman: Mad Hatter
Batman, Prince of Denmark
Batman: Shadow of the Batman
Batman: Stacked Deck
Batman: Strange Apparitions
Batman: Top Hat and Nails
Batman: Vow from the Grave
The Beast
Big Town
Black Rider
Blue Beetle

Captain America I, II, III
Captain America: Secret Empire
Captain America (animated)
Captain America (movies) I, II
Captain Marvel I, II
Captain Victory
The Cloud Patrol
Conan Saga
Coyote™ I, II
Coyote Collection

Dark Detective I, II, III
The Dark Knight (movie)
The Dark Knight Rises (movie)
Dax the Warrior
DC Comics Presents
DC Weekly
Deadly Hands of Kung Fu
Defenders I, II
Detective Comics I, II
The Djinn™
Doc Savage
Doctor Doom
Doctor Strange I, II
Doctor Strange (movie) I, II
Doctor Strange vs Dracula
Do's and Don't's of Dating (art)

Eclipse Magazine I, II
Eerie (art & story)
Eerie (story)

Falling in Love
Fantastic Four I, II, III
Fantasy Illustrated
First Marvel Scripts I, II
The Fly
The Foozle

Giant-Size Avengers
Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told
Greatest Batman Stories Ever Told II
Greatest Joker Stories Ever Told
Green Lantern
Green Lantern Corps
Green Lantern Quarterly
Guardians of the Galaxy

Hawkman & Hawkwoman
Heroes Against Hunger
Heroes for Hope
Holiday Grab Bag
The Hulk
The Hulk: Beauty and the Beast
The Human Bomb

Iron Man

JLA Classified
JSA Classified
Journey into Mystery
Jurassic Park
Justice League of America
Justice League (animated) I, II, III, IV
Kull the Destroyer

Legends of the Dark Knight
Legends of the DC Universe
Luke Cage, Hero for Hire
Luke Cage, Power Man

Madame Xanadu
Mantis I, II, III
Marvel Age Annual
Marvel Fanfare
Marvel Love Story Art
Marvel Premiere
Marvel Preview
Master of Kung Fu
Mister Miracle
Mondu's Fight Palace (game & comic)
Monsters on the Prowl
Multipath Adventures of Superman (game)
Mutants vs Ultras
My Love (art)
My Love (story) I, II

The New Guardians
The Night Man I, II, III
The Night Man vs Wolverine
NightMan (television series) I, II
Nightshadow (webisodes)

Our Love Story (art)
Our Love Story (story) I, II

The Phantom of Fear City
The Prisoner
The Pro-Team™
Psycho (art)

Rad Gravity (game & comic)
Raptors Attack
Raptors Hijack
Return to Jurassic Park
Ringo Kid

Savage Fists of Kung Fu
Savage Sword of Conan
Scorpio Rose™
Secret Origins
Shang-Chi, Master of Kung Fu
Silver Surfer I, II, III
The Silver Surfer (animated) I, II
Skull the Slayer
Special Marvel Edition
Spider-Man vs the Kingpin (game & comic)
Stacked Deck
Strange Westerns
The Strangers I, II
The Strangers (Marvel)
The Strangers (game & comic)
The Sub-Mariner
Superman, Multipath Adventures (game)
Super-Villain Team-Up

Tales of the Marvels
"Terror of the Pterodactyl"
T.H.U.N.D.E.R. Agents
Thor Annual
Thor the Mighty

UltraForce (animated) I, II, III
Ultraverse Origins
Ultraverse Premiere I, II

Vampirella (art)
Vampirella (story)
Vampirella of Drakulon
Vampirella: Summer Nights
Vampirella (non-series story)
The Vision & the Scarlet Witch

Warrior Nun Areala & Scorpio Rose™
Weird War Tales
West Coast Avengers I, II, III
What If?
The Witching Hour (art)
Wonder Woman
World's Finest Comics

X-O Manowar

Young Romance

Coyote™, Scorpio Rose™, The Djinn™, Roulette™, Slash™, Lorelei™, and X-Caliber™ are ©2025 Steve Englehart. Proton-Man™, Immuna™, Protonica™, and Dr Protonic™ are ©2025 Steve Englehart and Mike Jaszewski. The Pro-Team™, Pro-Tonya™, Pro-Portia™, Pro-Jenny™, Pro-Moe™, and Prometheus™ are ©2025 Steve Englehart and Mike Jaszewski. All other copyrighted characters are © their respective owners.

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